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No need to leave the IDE or read all of the -help. Can’t remember the terminal command for something? Open the terminal, hit Cmd+./Ctrl+., and ask the assistant. You can ask additional questions if you need to, and the chat will be saved for future reference.

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Fleet will open a new chat window and will give you an explanation there. Select a piece of code and invoke ‘Explain Code’. Fleet can help you wrap your head around it, and you can even learn a trick or two. Code can sometimes be complex at first glance. Try it! Fleet has added a new AI Chat tool window type and keeps track of your chats so you can return to them later. Fleet AI Assistant prefers programming topics and knows quite a bit. Whenever you see a piece of code that would benefit from documentation, add it or ask Fleet AI to help. See a commit with some significant changes you want to know more about? Fleet AI Assistant is good at explaining. Have Fleet AI describe the changes you made, review them, and commit them. Fleet AI will insert its best attempt at the proper code, which you can accept or regenerate. or invoke ‘Generate Code’ in any place in any code file and write what you need. Here are the initial AI-backed features that you can try in Fleet 1.19: Fleet is a product where we experiment quite a lot, both with its architecture and UX, and we want to hear your feedback. We have added AI-powered assistance to Fleet! This initial implementation contains several new features that work with the help of a generative AI via OpenAI API. This update is special because, in addition to the usual improvements and changes, it has one major addition. The Fleet 1.19 update is available for download in your Toolbox App.

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