
Dabigatran antidote
Dabigatran antidote

Effective haemostasis was achieved in 32 of 48 (67%) bleeding patients in whom assessment was possible. Use of idarucizumab was judged inappropriate in 25 patients (28%). Idarucizumab was used in 88 patients, of whom 53 (60%) presented with severe bleeding (20 gastrointestinal and 18 intracranial) and 35 (40%) requiring urgent surgical intervention. Patients were followed for 90 days for occurrence of thromboembolism, (re-)bleeding and death. Post-reversal effectiveness was evaluated according to International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) recommendations.

dabigatran antidote

Appropriate usage was assessed with predefined criteria. An observational cohort study was performed including consecutive patients who were treated with idarucizumab between 20.

Dabigatran antidote